
This last will be constantly evolving, and while there are some referrals links (which means you benefit as well), there are no affiliate links (I don’t explicitly make money off of you).

In no particular order, the tools that make my life easier:

Great Mental Health Professionals. This one is a biggie for me. And while my method may be unorthodox, it worked for me. I’m in the States, so I used Psychology Today to find a therapist and a psychiatrist in my area. I’d be lying if I said that I instantly found perfect matches; there were lots of hits and misses. But the two I have right now are perfect for me, which, given my trauma history, is helpful beyond words. 

Todoist. I have a paid “Pro” account that I pull into Home Assistant so they get announced over the many speakers scattered throughout my condo (more on this later!). For me, there’s a pleasant sense of completion about being able to mark a task as complete.

Home Assistant. This is Google Home and/or Alexa on crack. It’s an absolute rabbit hole for those technologically inclined, with the potential to automate many aspects of your life. In my world, it nags me to take my medications, reminds me when my sporting events are on, or adjusts the lighting to make it easier for me to sleep, to name a few things.